Monday, August 30, 2010
Melaleuca: The Wellness Company, The Introduction I ♥ 美乐家: 富足之家之简介 I
美乐家公司 (Melaleuca Inc.) 于1985年由总裁暨首席执行官范德士 (Frank L. VanderSloot) 先生所创立。自1985年创立以来,美乐家全球年度销售额已超过8亿美金。
总公司设立于美国爱达荷州.爱达荷市 (Idaho Falls,Idaho),是全世界率先以先进研发科技,将自然界珍贵的茶树精油 (Melaleuca Oil) 广泛运用于各项产品的公司,公司因此命名 “Melaleuca”。
美乐家是一家全球性的日用品消费者直效行销模式 (Consumer Direct Marketing, CDM) 企业,生产销售各类营养辅助食品、保健产品、个人护理品、护肤品、家庭清洁产品以及其它优质的日常生活用品。它拥有全面完善的产品系列及其介绍,产品销售直接面向终端顾客。
美乐家拥有信誉卓著的历史,自成立以来的22年中其业绩逐年增长。在‘Inc. 500’《500强企业》 杂志每年一度的评选中,美乐家均被评为美国成长速度最快的私人公司。美乐家是少数5年连续获此殊荣的公司之一 , 尽管她只在全球15个国家及地区开展直销业务,产值超过8.87亿美元。
◆ 1990-1994年连续五年被美国企业杂志(INC. Magazine)评为成长最快速的500强企业(Inc. 500),是美国少数拥有此殊荣的公司。
◆ 1991年荣获美国商会企业蓝筹奖(U.S. Chamber of Commerce Blue Chip Enterprise Award)。
◆ 1995年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会杰出社会服务奖(Outstanding Service to Community)。
◆ 1996年荣获美国发展研讨组织(Development Workshop Inc.)年度雇主奖(Employer of the Year)。
◆ 1998年荣获美国爱达荷州立大学年度企业领袖奖(Idaho Business Leader of the Year)。
◆ 1998年荣获美国童子军协会卓越社会服务奖(Distinguished Community Service)。
◆ 2000年荣获(Inc. Magazine)500强企业名人榜(Inc.500 Hall of Frame)。
◆ 2001年荣获美国有线电视(CNN)年度企业家奖(Entrepreneur of the Year)。
◆ 2001年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会卓越服务奖(Outstanding Service)。
◆ 2002年美国商会U.S. Chamber of Commerce 百年特辑(America & the Spirit of Enterprise)之全球最佳企业,被评选为21世纪最具发展潜力的公司。
◆ 2003年荣获美国爱达荷州商业公会杰出环保奖(Environmental Excellence Award)。
◆ 2004年荣获美国心理学协会健康工作环境奖(Healthy Workplace Award)。
◆ 2005年荣获美国直销协会终身教育奖(Education for Life)。
◆ 2005年荣获美国商业改进局名人榜(Better Business Bureau Hall of Fame)。
◆ 2006年荣获美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市长将6月30日订为美乐家日(Melaleuca Day)。
◆ 2007年荣获美国救世军组织"全国最高荣誉奖项"(The National Salvation Army award)。
◆ 2007年爱达荷州名人榜(The Idaho Hall of Fame)将美乐家执行长范德士先生列入名人榜。
◆ 2008年荣获美国红十字会人道主义者共荣圈奖。
◆ 2009年美乐家执行长范德士先生获颁美国智库(American Solutions)年度最佳企业家。
◆ 美国及加拿大地区截至2008年为止,共产生11位企业总监以上领导人(包括全球最高阶企业总监六 Ed Bestoso在内)。
Melaleuca Inc., The Wellness Company is a $887 million nutritional, cosmetic, and personal care products company founded in 1985 and headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. Melaleuca was listed on the Inc. 500's list of fastest-growing companies in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994 and today is one of the largest and most successful privately owned companies in Idaho.
In 1985, Frank L. VanderSloot formed the company under the name of "Melaleuca, Inc." from its initial establishment "Oil of Melaleuca, Inc". He moved away from the Multi Level Marketing model, and developed a new compensation plan for Marketing Executives now know as Consumer Direct Marketing where there would be no risky up-front investment, no hype, and a focus on every day consumable products. Independent Marketing Executives were no longer required to sell products but instead became preferred membership enrollment facilitators. Since VanderSloot has taken the helm, Melaleuca has experienced consistently increasing sales and revenues and expanded internationally.
Since its beginning in 1985, Melaleuca has grown to over 2,500 employees as well as sales offices in Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, and Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, and United Kingdom and grossed US $887,000,000 in sales in 2008. Melaleuca began sales in Singapore, Netherlands, China, and Jamaica in 2006.
Melaleuca was recognized by Inc Magazine as one of the fastest growing companies in the United States for five consecutive years (1990–1994). In addition, Melaleuca has seen 23 years of consecutive growth since its foundation in 1985.
Melaleuca and its 22 year President and CEO, Frank VanderSloot, have been the recipients of numerous distinguished honors and awards:
◆The Better Business Bureau Blue Torch Award - In 2008 The Better Business Bureau honored Melaleuca for its example of ethics and integrity in dealing with customers, employees and the community.
◆The Better Business Bureau Hall of Fame - In 2005 The Better Business Bureau places Melaleuca in its Hall of Fame.
◆Five Time Inc. 500 List of Fastest Growing Businesses - Melaleuca is one of only a few business in history who have been listed in the Inc. 500 five consecutive times.
◆Inc 500 Hall of Fame - In 2005 Melaleuca was inducted into the Inc. 500 Hall of Fame.
◆Blue Chip Enterprise Award - In 1991, the United States Chamber of Commerce honored Melaleuca by presenting it the Blue Chip Enterprise Award.
◆Healthy Workplace Award - Melaleuca was one of 15 organizations in 2004 recognized nationally by the American Psychological Association with a "Best Practices Honor" for efforts to foster Family Support in the workplace.
◆IACI Environmental Excellence Award - in 2003 Melaleuca was awarded the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry Environmental Excellence Award. Criteria for the award includes environmental practices, investment in pollution control, recovery from waste streams, conservation, and other environmental achievements.
◆Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded - Ernst & Young and CNN awarded Melaleuca's President and CEO Frank VanderSloot the Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the Northwestern United States in 2001. Past recipients have include, eBay, Southwest Airlines, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car.
◆Salvation Army "The Others" Award - In 2007 the Salvation Army awarded Melaleuca with its highest national civic award, "The Others" award", for sending more than $1,000,000 in relief to victims of the Gulf Coast hurricanes of 2005. The company and its people gathered enough food, water, clothing and emergency supplies to fill 11 semi-trucks for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
美乐家: 富足之家之四大富足
♥ 健康的富足: 身體富足。滿足多方面健康需求,讓生命更健康更有活力
♥ 環境的富足: 環境富足。使用自然、安全、高濃縮配方,營造更純淨、更安全的住家環境,並維護自然生態環境
♥ 個人的富足: 個人富足。優質產品改善全家人健康,更能達到心靈及家庭生活上的平衡、自由及寧靜
♥ 財務的富足: 財務富足。透過卓越的產品品質、合理的價格,為您開啟事業新契機,助您擺脫負債生活,創造並獲得財務自由
Melaleuca: The Wellness Company
♥ Physical Wellness: Live Longer, Healthier, More Vibrant Lives
♥ Environmental Wellness: Make Our Homes and the Environment Cleaner, Safer places
♥ Personal Wellness: Achieve Balance, Freedom, and Peace of Mind in Your Personal and Family Life
♥ Financial Wellness: Get Out of Debt and Secure Your Financial Future
Melaleuca's outstanding sales history from 1985 through 2008.
[Inc.] magazine has recognized Melaleuca and listed it in the fastest-growing US firms for 5 consecutive years and earned it a place in the Inc. top 500 Hall of Fame.
Melaleuca International Presence.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
有机健康烹饪班 ♥ Organic & Healthy Cooking Class
简介: 在这年代,家庭“煮”妇在家中扮演大厨角色的担子愈来愈重了。因为既要确保烹饪的菜肴可口,还要注意家人的身体健康。实际上,家庭“煮”妇的饮食观念、烹饪方式都对家人有绝对的影响,因此,不仅要确保饭菜美味可口,让家人吃饱和吃好,还要让家人吃出健康、远离疾病。
1. 提倡有机食疗健康烹饪和饮食
2. 推广有机健康食品和相关产品
3. 让本区烹饪爱好者有机会认识新朋友
日期: 2010年8月17日 (星期二)
时间: 8:00PM 至 10:00PM
地点: 乐缘有机屋 ♥ Joynique Organic & Wellness House
No. 2, Jalan Bunga Pekan 1, Pekan Baru, 42700 Banting, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
费用: 免费
人数: 只限30人,请尽早预约
欢迎联络乐缘有机屋 (012-2799740 / 012-3888193) 谘询及预约。谢谢~
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